Dream Genesys is Changing Trends in Game Development.
While Dream Genesys is still young and working on their first I.P. Cosplay Battle Opera, we have found a trend of publishers and developers who show record profits but laying off their artist and engineers. We here at Dream Genesys aren’t greedy, value it’s team and future career seekers for years to come. The world and mostly creators themselves must remember that without you, there would be no entertainment industry.
That being said, Dream Genesys is creating and cultivating a place where creatives can get together and craft top notch entertainment. Worrying about the next meal and how you’re paying your bills after a project is over? As long as imagination thrives, so do you. Don’t worry about Jerry from accounting handing down change orders on looks, narrative, and multiplayer. We are gamers who make games for gamers and we as a team, are just as hard on ourselves as the fans are on rushed and miss-managed AAA games.
Our goal is to create games that will stand the test of time. That means solid teams and partnerships, constant content and supporting media like animated features and comics to keep you engaged. Also we hear you, drop us a line or reach out on social media if you have any questions or concerns. Each one of you are valuable to us.